Email Marketing

Our email marketing campaigns elevate your brand with personalised, high-quality content that drives engagement.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is still an important tool in any modern marketing strategy. It’s a lot more flexible than many other platforms and is a good way of keeping both your customers informed about what’s going on in your business and further monetising your client base.

We create visually stunning campaigns that have strong calls to action and are results driven. By using advanced analysis tools, we can split your campaigns to understand what performs best and continually refine your campaigns to continually make them perform even better than the last.

Setting up

We start all email marketing campaigns by ensuring everything is set up to succeed. Initials set up will include:

  • Importing clients database into our email marketing management software
  • The creation of the Automation Map and Segmentation
  • Setting of goals, identifying email campaigns to send and planning the content to send
  • Welcome emails: These would be sent to all new customers or subscribers who join the list/buy a product/fill in a contact form
  • Reminder emails: These can be set up to remind customers of important dates, abandoned carts, booking reminders.

Depending on your business, here are some examples of the types of email templates we can design:

VIP offer emails: Certain VIP clients who you may want to give special offer emails

Lead nurturing emails: Educating emails about what you offer

Event reminder emails: reminders about events that you may have planned

Product updates: updated on new products, sales and promotions

Email template designs are a one off cost. We recommend you change your email template design every 3 month in order to reduce marketing fatigue. However you can decide as and when you require a template design yourself if needed.

Monthly management

  • Database Management: Ongoing management of your email database, automation mapping and segmentation
  • Fulfilment: Writing the email and scheduling
  • Reporting: Monthly reporting to includes monitoring response rates and conversions.

Rise to the top

Increase Credibility

In this day and age, more and more consumers use the internet to search for the products or services they need. Your business will gain more credibility by having a professional and personalised email marketing. Without email marketing, potential customers might go to your competitors that do.

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Increase your demographic

Target a wider audience

Whether you provide products or services, email marketing will give prospects an alternative location to buy them. As a retailer, having an eCommerce website means you can sell your products to a wider market, you’re not limited to just your local area. Even if you offer services, they can be made available globally by running email marketing.

Efficiency is Key

Saves you time

Providing important information to your prospects takes time, whether it’s face-to-face, on the phone, in a brochure, or in emails. With email marketing, you can provide a lot of information about your products and services and display it directly to your target market. 

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Speak with an expert

We are here to help your vision come to life